Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi
Ever heard of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi ? Or some may know him as Saladin. The great general of Islam who freed Jerusalem from the Christian faction. He was the master tactician that managed to bring most of the Jerusalem army outside of Jerusalem, only for them to know that the Muslims army when defeatless.
It's great to hear when Malaysia is about to create a new 3D cartoon about the great man. Believe me, most who knew him by name but not by heart. Honestly, I do not know him well. The only thing I know about him is that he conquered and freed Jerusalem when he was a young boy, in his 20s.
I rad The Star Intech this morning and saw MDEC, a local company saying that they will create the cartoon. It's a honour for me, both as a Muslim and a Malaysian, to see Malaysian Muslims trying to revive back the character that has been long lost in the heart of many.
Hopefully I could get to see the cartoon as they announced that the cartoon will be available on year 2008.
Triggered Events
Everday people here and there kept talking about the Merapi soon-to-be volcanic eruption. And so does for the Yogakarta earthquakte. As a neighbouring country, Malaysia also empathized for the events that happen in Indonesia.
Yet, anyone know about the storm in Klang Valley, or to be more spesific, Petaling Jaya. If I'm not wrong, weeks ago Malaysians were shocked to hear places such as Section 13 and Section 14, Petaling Jaya, hit by a big storm. The storm was so great that roots were pulled from the ground.
Two days ago, the same event hit Petaling Jaya, but it's not Section 13 or Section 14 anymore. It was my place. My hometown. Honestly saying, the disaster was disastrous (of course all disaster are disastrous). The effects were so great. Trees fall. "Show me timber", if I could say how it actually looked like. I even saw a van which went inside the drain, all due to the heavy storm and wind.
Honestly, seeing all storm makes me wonder, are we nearing The End ? I heard some of my friends saying that even at Mars, the Sun had already risen from the west, apart from the nature's law as we know it. I also heard that there will be a meteor which will hit Mother Earth in the near future. Perhaps it is already time. Muslims, wake up from the slumber. The End is near. Pray for safety, both Here and the Hereafter, before comes the time where no more pray will be accepted by the God, Allah s.w.t
Well, I wasn't for sure a victim of the first two. I'm no Indonesian. But for me, it's good enough to take a deep look inside all the events.
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
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