In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Wasted Yesterday

Tragedy in creating a PXEBOOT server

In the morning
OS-Fedora Core 4

Red Hat 5 above requires installation numbers? How to parse this thing? Aih, let's try and use Red Hat 5 for the PXEb00t server.

OS-Red Hat 5.1
OMG. How come I can't find the kickstart. Hmm, let's see inside the cd. Emm.. ok found, but what's this inside the manual ?

Currently, system-config-kickstart does not support package selection and deselection. When using system-config-kickstart, the Package Selection option indicates that it is disabled. This is because system-config-kickstart uses yum to gather group information, but is unable to configure yum to connect to Red Hat Network.

Aiyah.. change to Fedora 8 lor.. hopefully got something right tomorrow

Today Morning
OS- Still Red Hat 5.1
Ok. Let's burn Fedora 8 a.k.a Werewolf..

soon after, what ? CD unmountable.. aiyah..wasted.. ok la.. no more burning werewolf.. back to Fedora Core 4 la.. haha